
Monday, June 10, 2013

Circle Lens

Just recently I had an urge to try circle lens. I just wonder on how it looks like on me so I asked my cousin who bought a lot circles lenses where she usually get them. She recommends me to have a look at coseye since the lenses are affordables and it's free shipping worldwide including the tracking !

At the first time I looked at the website it doesn't really looks convincing but since my cousin and her friends bougt a lot from that website, I'd just give it a try and since the price really affordable there's just a little to lose if something happen.

I'm an asian with a really dark iris and always love those hazel iris. So, the first lense I bought from coseye is this! Then a week later it arrive at my place, I was so excited to try it out! But if you're reading this and you're a first timer as well, I would suggest you to do your research before actually buy AND try the circle lens itself. So as far my research goes, I found another website from xiaxue's blog that sponsor her and they give details on lens care. You should read this ! Another thing they don't mentioned is about when the lense turn inside-out, you will be able to tell once you put in in your eyes, it will feels very uncomfortable and the lense just feels like moving and if you're wearing a coloured one you  should be able to see your vision is distracted by the colour a bit so I suggest you to take it out and reverse it back before you head out. Also, always bring an eyedrop to wet your eyes, just in case.

mellemelch - before after
before and after
As you can see from the above one I really mean it when I tell you I had a very dark iris and the lower one is the best picture of my eyes with it without looking creepy or weird. I just think this one doesn't suit me, especially with my dark irish and the lense being coloured light, you should be able to see the lense is bigger than my normal iris and it doesn't cover my white area well so it really looks weird and unnatural. Super wrong choice, I'm not sure if I'm going to wear it anymore.

Then again I was looking at my home country famous fashion blogger, the yamada sisters ! Beside blogging about their outlook, they also have an online shop that sells outfit and circle lenses (if you live in Indonesia you might want to buy the lense from them, I consider the price is reasonable for circle lense). In some posts, they mention about the lenses they're wearing, so I thought they always wear circle lense in their pictures because their eyes shape always looks consistent. In this post, Jess made a tutorial about her usual make-up routines for photoshoot and then I thought, "Hey, the circle lenses doen't turn out weird and looks very natural from afar!"

So I go to coseye again and have a look on the most similar colour lense they have. Although I dislike the website for looking dodgy, I love on how they listed the lenses based on the diameters. My hazel lense is 14.5mm in diameters and I thought it just the perfect size for my eyes, I'm sure I'd look scary if I wear a bigger lense. Then to looks natural from afar with circle lense, I search for lenses with a very dark outer ring. So I was looking at this, this and this. I love all of them but being broke and looked at the rating, I order the first one. Then a week later, here it is!
Mellemelch - circle lense
Packaging and the bonus case !
Mellemelch - circle lense
The cap tells the lense power, and mine is 0 !

Mellemelch - circle lense
Dreamy.i in Hazel - love it how the sunlight went through the lense

Mellemelch - circle lense
Don't forget to wash the case and put solution before put the lense in
So yeah, this is not exact the same lense that Jess wear but quite similar, right? I tried it last weekend and just notice I haven't got myself a decent picture wearing this lense but so far I love it and my friends told me it looks better compared my previous lense. So I'll just post the most uploadable one just in case you guys curious, but I'll post clearer picture sometime later. Promise! 'Cause I really like it ;)

Melle Melch - wearing dolly.i in Hazel
It doesn't look that weid right?

Much love,
